Adur Repair Cafe

The Adur Repair Cafe meets on the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 12pm at The Circular Space.
What happens at an ARC session?
If you have a broken household item that you would like to learn how to fix, bring it along and a volunteer repairer will guide you through trying to fix it. We aim to prolong the life of our stuff, keep stuff out of landfill, to pass on skills and all learn from each other!
To guarantee a repair slot, email adurrepaircafe@gmail.com, describing what you can about your item and the repair you think it needs (if you can). You can also turn up on the day and try your luck. Hot and cold drinks are also available to buy. Feel free to come along and see what it's all about with a cuppa if you think you might have a future repair or would like to volunteer to do repairs or admin. The Scrap Space will be also be open during repair cafe sessions.
The Adur Repair Cafe is run solely by volunteers. There is no charge for attending but donations are appreciated to help cover unavoidable costs such as consumables and insurance. The repairers will do their best to help you repair your item but cannot guarantee that it will be possible. You remain responsible for your item at all times.
The ARC is linked to the global Repair Cafe network. There is more info about repair cafes on their website: https://repaircafe.org/en/
We need your help! If you are interested in finding out more, getting involved, offering your skills as repairer, would like to volunteer your time to help run the sessions, would like offer your venue as an ARC host or to sponsor the ARC or make a donation of cash or consumbles, please let us know!
We are aiming to run cafes in different venues in Adur. Let us know if you know of a suitable venue!
Adur Repair Cafe has a Facebook page here and a Facebook group here.